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Your Cheat Code for AI

Don't miss out on this productivity boost! Starting using AIPRM now for FREE.

AIPRM is the Ultimate Time Saver for ChatGPT and other AI models!
Trusted by over 2 million users and some of the world’s biggest brands.
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Some Stats about AIPRM




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Designed for You and Your Teams

AIPRM provides efficient and affordable AI on top of ChatGPT.

AIPRM Cockpit now lets you use the power of AIPRM with secure AI APIs and many different LLMs.
AI statistics show that 53% of business owners expect AI to save them time. So, use AIPRM and spend more of your time on your business.

You’ll be in Good Company

Trusted by over 2,000,000 users and some of the world's biggest brands

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What Our Customers Say

It's a time-saving gem

" I'm absolutely thrilled to share my experience with AIPRM (Artificial Intelligence Powered Review Management)! As an avid user of ChatGPT, I can confidently say that AIPRM has been an absolute game-changer and the ultimate time saver in my workflow. …”

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Saqib Riaz
Freelancer at Paidwork

Truly a powerful tool never before seen in general

"It is incredible and produces much better results than many professional companies. This tool will not be an enemy to professionals but will lead many to be much more productive and earn much more money by delivering better results in much less time.”

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Everton Duque
Marketing Manager at Arts duque

AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Learning and Loving Every Moment!

"What an amazing tool! Loving using it and learning as I go. Thank you!”

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Kate Nankivell
LinkedIn Trainer & Coach at Force of Nature

One of the things I love about AIPRM is the vast collection of Prompts that are available

"I appreciate the idea of sharing exciting prompts with all community members. It follows the idea of collective learning and growth, which I do personally like a lot. ”

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Begoña Mallenco
Corporate Fundraising Officer at The SeaCleaners

Helps me save a lot of time

"Many time wasted writing prompts. This extension save that. I love it. For SEO it's great!”

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Moises Otero Fajardo
Founder & CEO at MidPointFX

Incredibly great!

"This is incredibly great! Thank you for creating this extension!”

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Lenka Blazekova
SEO Manager at Freelancer

Revolutionized My Content Writing: Highly Effective and Relevant

"This makes it much easier for me to write content. Very relevant and effective.”

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Marie-Claude Beaufort
Owner & Founder at JUNI Zodiaque Shop

Revolutionized My YouTube Channel!

" It is perfect, very easy to use and it is giving a lot of life to my YouTube video descriptions, it creates titles, hagstash descriptions and SEO keywords, both LongTail, MiddleTail and ShortsTails. The help you are giving me to my YouTube channel …”

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Juan Francisco
Digital Content Creator at Las Cosas del Huerto

AI Research & Resources

The Ultimate Timeline of Artificial Intelligence Technology

Throughout the existence of humanity, technological advancements have transformed entire civilizations.

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50 Science Fiction Technologies and How Long They Took to Become a Reality

Science fiction has long been beloved for presenting creative visions of what humanity might achieve someday.

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50+ AI in Customer Service Statistics 2024

What role is AI taking in the customer service industry? We’ve collated over 50 statistics on the current and future use of AI in improving customer experience.

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