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AIPRM est l’ultime gain de temps pour ChatGPT et d’autres modèles d’IA !
Plus de 2 millions d’utilisateurs et certaines des plus grandes marques mondiales lui font confiance.
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Conçu pour vous et vos équipes

L’AIPRM fournit une IA efficace et abordable en plus de ChatGPT.

AIPRM Cockpit vous permet désormais d’utiliser la puissance d’AIPRM avec des API d’IA sécurisées et de nombreux LLM différents.
Statistiques sur l’IA montrent que 53 % des chefs d’entreprise s’attendent à ce que l’IA leur fasse gagner du temps. Alors, utilisez l’AIPRM et consacrez plus de temps à votre entreprise.

Vous serez en bonne compagnie

La confiance de plus de 2 000 000 d'utilisateurs et de certaines des plus grandes marques mondiales

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Ce que nos clients disent

AIPRM enables me to be more productive in my daily work

"AIPRM helped me gather information that I don't know where to look for, ideas for content and formulate the type of writing that I prefer. Without AIPRM I would be less productive. ”

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Marcia Lourenço
Manager at Praticadamente

Absolute Time Saver!

"IT'S POWERFUL!!! AIPRM is an absolute time saver. The amount of content you get, even for a free user, is immense. Thank you for your efforts in keeping it active and with immense resources”

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Vivian Francos
Digital Marketer at SEOHashtag Marketing

AIPRM: A Game-Changer for Digital Marketers, Boosting Efficiency and Learning

"I am working as a digital marketer. It's a fantastic extension tool that helps me reduce my workload while also learning more about different strategies. This tool really helps me a lot, and I would like to recommend it to all digital marketers. I'm …”

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Manigandan (John) Ganesan
Digital Marketing Specialist at ESTRRADO

Empowering, AIPRM Suits All Needs

"The free version is still just as useful. Each paid tier lets you get more features depending on what you need to do on a daily basis. Thanks for an awesome free and paid tool for us all.”

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Tony Cosentino
Owner at The WP Guy

AIPRM: A Cool and Reliable Companion

"Just started using, crazy cool tool, very helpful when GPT is down!.”

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Corey Gray
Co-Founder at Launch Agency

Streamlining ChatGPT with Effortless Prompt Access

"This is the most useful of the ChatGPT addons I've seen yet. The prompts are easy to find and the search function is more than adequate. I love how it makes it easy to just set the tone and not have to type long explanations.”

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Josh Patrick
Founder at The Sustainable Business

Ultimate Time-Saving Daily Essential

"A great and very valuable tool that everyone should have access to for daily life, saving hours every day of my workload.”

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Moe Nawaz
Business Development Director at Duke Brothers Ltd

Effortlessly Creating New Ideas with AIPRM

"It is very easy to develop new ideas with AIPRM Extension! Thanks!”

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Oscar Pires Junior
Owner at Brasix Empreendimentos Digitais
Installer AIPRM pour ChatGPT et Claude