How to Teach Research and Writing Skills with an AIPRM Prompt

This article introduces a student-centered approach to teaching and learning, emphasizing independent research, composition skills, and project-based learning. Explore how technology, including AI, can enhance student engagement and self-directed learning. Empower your students with personalized experiences and continuous support! 📚🌟

If you’re a teacher looking for a fresh approach to student-centered learning with an AI-twist, this article is for you. Here’s a lesson framework that helps students design and conduct independent research and improve composition skills. I use the word framework (instead of lesson plan) because this approach has so many layers, it can be expanded or adapted to meet just about any set of pedagogical objectives or desired learning outcomes.

For this article, I’ll assume the teacher is leading a composition lesson. The activity involves research, critical thinking skills, and report writing. The aim of this lesson is to write a biography of a famous character and critically evaluate one or two of their impactful ideas (or inventions or decisions).

By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

  1. Identify a historical character known for one or more engaging ideas.
  2. Compose 10-15 interview questions.
  3. Use ChatGPT to dramatize a character interview.
  4. Collect and synthesize answers.

To write the final report, students will be able to:

  1. Rewrite or paraphrase the entire ChatGPT output (no copying and pasting permitted).
  2. Summarize the character’s background.
  3. Explain one or two main ideas associated with the character.
  4. Demonstrate an ability to put forward a counterargument and challenge assertions. (What went wrong? What would you do differently? Do you think it was a success? What about …?)
  5. Organize the information in a coherent 1-2 page report.
  6. Evaluate the character’s historical impact.

Resources #

Students need online access to the free version ChatGPT (3.5) and the free version of AIPRM.

Lesson flow>

Lesson flow #

Generating questions>

Generating questions #

Each student conducts their own AI interview and writes their own report, but the first stage (generate a list of interview questions) can be run as a pair work or small group activity. The outcome is the same: select a character and draft 10-15 questions that probe the character’s background and ideas.

Working with the prompt>

Working with the prompt #

  1. Log into ChatGPT.
  2. On the AIPRM dashboard, click the Public tab.
  3. Go to the search field and enter Pretend to Be Anyone or Anything Chat.
  4. Select the prompt.
enter a character name

Enter the character’s name to start the prompt. Enter questions and follow-up to interview the character. Take notes.

Writing the report>

Writing the report #

The final step is writing a draft report. Students new to long-form content often need a framework or suggested report structure. Provide one that meets the needs of your class and your students.

If required, help students avoid AI plagiarism by showing them how to take notes and write a report in their own words.

To extend the learning, students can optionally rewrite their biographies and present a brief oral presentation.

That’s it.

Now you know how to create a lesson that teaches independent research and report writing with AIPRM.

Read more>

Read more #

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our tutorials guide you every step of the way. Reach out to the AIPRM Community Forum and we’ll help you get started.