How to Create a Murder Mystery Family Game

··2 mins
Christoph C. Cemper

What’s your idea of family fun? I guess we’re all different, but I think a good family night has plenty of engaging communication, active listening, and a healthy dose of laughter and playful competition. Oh, and no TV. If that sounds like fun to you, consider turning the next family night into a criminal investigation with a ChatGPT murder mystery game.

How to play>

How to play #

There are many possible game play scenarios. Here’s one idea.

Fire up a tablet (or large screen smartphone) and load AIPRM and ChatGPT. Start the murder mystery game (see below). Each person takes turns reading aloud the clues generated by the AI and responding to the ChatGPT prompts. Pass around the tablet (or phone) so everyone can participate.

If you have access to ChatGPT-4 (a paid version) there are several mystery prompts that look quite good. One problem is that ChatGPT-4 limits users to 40 messages every three hours (at the time of writing). That means the game could end abruptly without a satisfactory resolution.

Here’s an idea you can run with the free versions of AIPRM and ChatGPT.

Running a prompt>

Running a prompt #

  1. Log into ChatGPT.
  2. On the AIPRM dashboard, click the Public tab.
  3. Go to the search field and enter Game Builder.
  4. Select the prompt.
  5. Go to the input field and enter prompt instructions. (see below)
  6. Click the Send Message button.
  7. Play the game by entering answers and asking questions.
  8. Find the murderer.
Suggested prompt>

Suggested prompt #

Here’s a suggested prompt template. Modify as required.

Create an interactive murder mystery game with four characters. I am the detective.

enter murder mystery prompt

Follow the prompts to play the game.

read and answer the AI text

That’s it.

Now you know how to start and play a murder mystery family game with AIPRM.

Read more>

Read more #

If you have any questions or need further assistance, our tutorials guide you every step of the way. Reach out to the AIPRM Community Forum and we’ll help you get started.