Task category identifiation


Which Task You Want to Know the Category

Prompt Hint

[Place the Task You Want to Know the Category]


Which Task You Want to Know the Category


Discover the power of task category identification with a simple prompt. Unveil the magic: find categories effortlessly. Streamline your workflow, enhance organization, and boost productivity. Identify tasks swiftly and accurately. Experience a seamless process that simplifies your workload. Save time, reduce errors, and achieve efficiency like never before. Try this prompt on ChatGPT and revolutionize the way you categorize tasks instantly.

  • Identifies task category based on input: determines nature of task or query.
  • Helps categorize queries: assigns relevant category to user-submitted tasks or questions.
  • Streamlines information processing: quickly classifies tasks into appropriate categories.
  • Simplifies task management: organizes tasks by identifying their specific categories.
  • Enhances task efficiency: saves time by automating the process of task categorization.
  • Improves user experience: ensures queries are directed to the right category for quicker responses.
  • Boosts productivity: optimizes workflow by swiftly categorizing and managing different tasks.
  • Enhances organization: helps in structuring tasks effectively by assigning them to relevant categories.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt is designed to swiftly identify the category of a specific task input by the user. By providing the task details within the brackets, users can receive instant feedback on the category to which the task belongs. This process streamlines the task categorization process, making it efficient and accurate.


Features: #

  • Quickly identifies the category of a given task
  • Seamless input of task details within the brackets
  • Instant feedback on the task category

Benefits: #

  • Saves time by eliminating the need for manual categorization
  • Enhances efficiency in task management
  • Reduces errors in categorizing tasks
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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