
Featured Images from Unsplash


Quickly get a featured image for your blog post. Simply paste the title of your blog post. Default size suitable for WordPress blogs.

Prompt Hint

[Your blog title, Size] (1200x628 is default)


Quickly get a featured image for your blog post. Simply paste the title of your blog post. Default size suitable for WordPress blogs.


Elevate your blog posts effortlessly with stunning images: Get featured images instantly with ChatGPT. By just entering your blog post title, access high-quality visuals perfectly sized for WordPress. Enhance your content, captivate your audience, and save time. Engage readers with eye-catching graphics. Empower your storytelling and boost engagement. Elevate your blog to the next level effortlessly. Try now!

  • Instantly fetch a stunning Unsplash image by pasting your blog post title.
  • Default size perfect for WordPress blogs ensures seamless integration and visual appeal.
  • Streamline your blog creation process with a quick and easy image selection tool.
  • Enhance your blog posts with high-quality, professionally curated images from Unsplash.
  • Save time searching for the right image by leveraging this efficient image finder tool.
  • Elevate your blog's visual impact with beautiful, relevant images for every post.
  • Access a vast library of captivating images to complement and enrich your blog content.
  • Simplify the process of finding and incorporating visually appealing images into your blog posts.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt helps you access featured images from Unsplash effortlessly. By inputting the title of your blog post, you can swiftly obtain a suitable featured image in the default size ideal for WordPress blogs. This feature streamlines the process of finding the perfect visual accompaniment for your written content, saving you time and enhancing the appeal of your blog posts.

  • Instant access to featured images from Unsplash
  • Easy retrieval by pasting your blog post title
  • Default size optimized for WordPress blogs
  • Streamlined process for enhancing your blog post visuals
  • Time-saving solution for bloggers


  • Saves time on searching for suitable images
  • Enhances the visual appeal of your blog posts
  • Simplifies the process of finding featured images
  • Increases efficiency in creating engaging content
  • Optimizes images for WordPress blogs
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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