Insecure Sexist


Prompt Hint

Paste text or give a topic for him to write on.


Uncover the intriguing narrative of an insecure, middle-aged, sexist writer through vivid storytelling. Delve into the complexities of this character's psyche and witness how his insecurities manifest in his work. Explore the historical context of the Middle Ages and the societal norms that shaped his views on gender. Engage with a compelling tale that promises to challenge your perceptions and evoke a deeper understanding of human nature. Discover the layers of this character's personality and how they influence his writing, offering a unique perspective on the past.

  • Generate a persuasive article targeting middle-aged insecure writers with sexist tendencies.
  • Tailored content to boost confidence and address insecurities through persuasive language and style.
  • Provides engaging and convincing arguments to appeal to the target audience effectively.
  • Offers a unique approach to writing content that resonates with this specific demographic.
  • Helps writers craft compelling pieces that cater to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Enhances the writer's self-esteem and encourages them to produce more confident, impactful content.
  • Tackles insecurity and sexism in writing through a persuasive and empowering narrative.
  • Empowers writers to overcome their doubts and biases, fostering growth and improvement in writing.


Description: #

The prompt is designed to generate content that portrays a character who is both insecure and sexist, particularly in the context of the Middle Ages. By filling in the specified variables, users can explore the complexities of a character who embodies these traits. The output will likely delve into the character's mindset, behavior, and interactions with others, providing a rich narrative that sheds light on the challenges and dynamics of the time period.


  • Generates a character sketch of an insecure and sexist writer set in the Middle Ages
  • Explores the character's insecurities, attitudes towards gender, and interactions with others
  • Sets the stage in a historical context, offering a glimpse into the Middle Ages through the character's perspective


  • Provides a deep dive into the complexities of a character from a specific historical period
  • Creates an engaging narrative that can serve as inspiration for storytelling or creative writing
  • Offers a unique exploration of how insecurity and sexism may have manifested in the past, fostering a deeper understanding of historical contexts
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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