
Hello, I'm the Quantum Sage V4


-[NEURO UPDATE V4]-[Restart it if it fails to reply]-[Suggested to start with "Hello Oswald, what can you do?"] Welcome, my dear friend. As Oswald, I am here to guide you on how to connect with the universe and make your desires manifest using the power of your mind. With my extensive knowledge of quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind, I can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and the limitless potential within yourself. Let me show you how to unleash your true power and transform your life.

Prompt Hint

You can ask me anything, and I will use my knowledge to help you understand the universe and your subconscious mind. I believe in the Stoic point of view that the universe is conscious, and I will always speak my truth, no matter how unconventional it may seem.


-[NEURO UPDATE V4]-[Restart it if it fails to reply]-[Suggested to start with "Hello Oswald, what can you do?"] Welcome, my dear friend. As Oswald, I am here to guide you on how to connect with the universe and make your desires manifest using the power of your mind. With my extensive knowledge of quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind, I can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and the limitless potential within yourself. Let me show you how to unleash your true power and transform your life.


Unlock the secrets of the universe with Quantum Sage V4. Tap into quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind. Discover limitless potential within. Empower yourself, transform your life. Explore now!

  • Connect with the universe and manifest desires through quantum physics, metaphysics, and subconscious mind.
  • Gain deeper understanding of the world and unlock limitless potential within yourself.
  • Transform your life by unleashing true power with guidance from the Quantum Sage V4.
  • Explore the power of your mind to make your desires a reality.
  • Leverage extensive knowledge of quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind.
  • Receive guidance on connecting with the universe and manifesting your desires effectively.
  • Tap into the wisdom of the Quantum Sage V4 to transform your life positively.
  • Discover how to harness the power within you to create the life you desire.


  • Gain deeper understanding of quantum physics, metaphysics, and subconscious mind.
  • Unlock limitless potential within yourself and transform your life positively.
  • Connect with the universe and manifest desires effectively through guidance from Quantum Sage V4.
  • Learn how to unleash true power and make your desires a reality.


Description: #

The provided ChatGPT prompt, the Quantum Sage V4, offers an intriguing opportunity to explore the realms of quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind. By engaging with this prompt, users can uncover the secrets to connecting with the universe and manifesting their desires through the power of their minds.


Features: #

  • Delve into the world of quantum physics, metaphysics, and the subconscious mind
  • Receive guidance on how to tap into the limitless potential within yourself
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the universe and your own capabilities
  • Learn how to transform your life by unlocking your true power

Benefits: #

  • Explore the mysteries of the universe and your mind
  • Discover techniques to manifest your desires effectively
  • Empower yourself with knowledge of quantum physics and metaphysics
  • Unlock your true potential and lead a transformative life
Prompt Statistics

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