Evaluate SEO Content


Paste your full article/page here to evaluate your content for SEO on a scale of 1 to 10, and to know the main keywords of this page

Prompt Hint

Paste the content or article here


Paste your full article/page here to evaluate your content for SEO on a scale of 1 to 10, and to know the main keywords of this page


This innovative SEO content evaluation prompt allows you to assess your content's SEO quality effortlessly. By providing your page for evaluation, you'll receive a thorough SEO analysis on a 1 to 10 scale. Uncover the main keywords driving your content and enhance your search engine visibility. Optimize your content strategy with valuable insights and boost your online presence effectively. Try this prompt on ChatGPT now to unlock the power of SEO optimization. Elevate your content game today!

  • Analyze your content's SEO performance with a scale rating and identify main keywords.
  • Receive a comprehensive evaluation of your article's optimization for search engines.
  • Understand your content's search engine visibility and effectiveness for targeted keywords.
  • Get insights on improving your content's SEO to boost visibility and ranking.
  • Enhance your SEO strategy by learning the strengths and weaknesses of your content.
  • Determine the relevance of keywords in your content to optimize for search engines.
  • Gain a clearer understanding of how search engines perceive and rank your content.
  • Elevate your content's SEO potential by leveraging detailed feedback and keyword analysis.


  • Improve content visibility and ranking on search engines.
  • Optimize content for targeted keywords to attract more organic traffic.
  • Enhance SEO strategy based on comprehensive evaluation and keyword insights.
  • Boost search engine performance by identifying and addressing content optimization gaps.
  • Gain valuable feedback to refine content for better SEO results.
  • Increase chances of appearing in relevant search results by improving keyword relevance.
  • Understand how to tailor content to meet search engine requirements effectively.
  • Maximize SEO potential by leveraging data-driven insights and actionable recommendations.


Description: #

The provided prompt, "Evaluate SEO Content. Paste your full article/page here to evaluate your content for SEO on a scale of 1 to 10, and to know the main keywords of this page," is a powerful tool for assessing the search engine optimization (SEO) quality of written content. By inputting your content into this prompt, you can receive a comprehensive evaluation based on a scale from 1 to 10, helping you understand how well your content is optimized for search engines. Additionally, this prompt will extract and highlight the main keywords used in your content, giving you valuable insights into the focus keywords that are essential for SEO rankings.

Key Features:

  • Evaluate the SEO quality of your content on a scale of 1 to 10
  • Receive a detailed assessment to understand the optimization level
  • Identify the main keywords used in your content
  • Gain insights into the crucial keywords for SEO rankings


  • Improve your content's visibility on search engines
  • Optimize your content for higher search engine rankings
  • Understand the relevance and usage of keywords in your content
  • Enhance the overall SEO performance of your written material

Try this Prompt on ChatGPT to unlock a comprehensive evaluation of your content's SEO quality and discover the main keywords that drive search engine optimization success.

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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