
Easy Meta Description


Create a meta description, under 160 characters, using the page or post title.

Prompt Hint

Enter Page or Post Title


Create a meta description, under 160 characters, using the page or post title.


The ChatGPT prompt refines meta descriptions by creating compelling, concise summaries using given titles. Benefits include improved SEO, higher click-through rates, and enhanced user engagement. With ChatGPT, users can effortlessly generate attention-grabbing meta descriptions to boost online visibility and drive more traffic. Experience the power of AI-driven content creation today for increased online success. Try this prompt on ChatGPT and elevate the impact of your page titles instantly.

  • Generates engaging meta descriptions: improve click-through rates, SEO visibility, and user engagement.
  • Tailored to fit under 160 characters: boosts search engine performance and drives organic traffic.
  • Enhances page or post visibility: increases website visibility and attracts more potential visitors.
  • Streamlines content creation: saves time and effort by automatically generating compelling meta descriptions.
  • Improves overall user experience: ensures clarity, relevance, and appeal in search engine results.
  • Boosts SEO rankings: optimized meta descriptions help pages rank higher and attract more clicks.
  • Increases website traffic: compelling meta descriptions entice users to visit your site for information.
  • Drives conversions: by attracting the right audience and encouraging action through effective meta descriptions.


Description: #

The provided prompt is designed to help generate a concise meta description under 160 characters for a webpage or blog post title. By inputting the title into the prompt, users can quickly create a compelling meta description that captures the essence of their content in a succinct and engaging manner. This tool streamlines the process of crafting effective meta descriptions, which are crucial for improving search engine visibility and attracting more clicks to the page or post.


  • Quickly generates meta descriptions
  • Ensures conciseness (under 160 characters)
  • Captures the essence of the content
  • Enhances search engine visibility
  • Increases click-through rates


  • Saves time in crafting meta descriptions
  • Improves SEO by optimizing meta tags
  • Boosts click-through rates with compelling descriptions
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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