
Youtube Chapters Generator


Paste the transcript into this prompt for perfect chapters! This works best for videos less than 10 minutes. (Chat GPT won't allow more text entered into the prompt)

Prompt Hint

[Paste your Youtube video transcript with timestamps]


Paste the transcript into this prompt for perfect chapters! This works best for videos less than 10 minutes. (Chat GPT won't allow more text entered into the prompt)


Generate perfect YouTube video chapters effortlessly by pasting your transcript for videos under 10 minutes. Maximize engagement and SEO with precise chapter markers. Enhance viewer experience and boost watch time seamlessly. Improve content accessibility and navigation. Streamline content organization and increase viewer retention. Elevate your video content strategy with ease. Try now for a polished, professional touch!

  • Generate YouTube video chapters by pasting transcript: perfect for videos under 10 minutes.
  • Automatically create structured chapters to enhance viewer experience and engagement.
  • Improve SEO by providing clear video sections for easy navigation and searchability.
  • Save time by letting the tool do the work of segmenting your video content.
  • Enhance video accessibility and user engagement with well-organized chapters.
  • Optimize content consumption by breaking down the video into easily digestible sections.
  • Increase viewer retention by offering a clear overview and easy navigation through chapters.
  • Boost video performance by creating a more structured and user-friendly viewing experience.


Description: #

The YouTube Chapters Generator prompt allows users to paste their video transcript for automatic generation of perfectly timed chapters. It is ideal for videos under 10 minutes, ensuring precise chapter divisions. By inputting the transcript, users can effortlessly create structured navigation points in their videos.


  • Automatically generates video chapters from transcript
  • Ideal for videos shorter than 10 minutes
  • Ensures precise chapter timings
  • Simplifies the process of creating structured video navigation


  • Saves time on manual chapter creation
  • Enhances viewer experience with organized video content
  • Streamlines the process of segmenting videos into chapters
  • Improves video accessibility and user engagement
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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