Translation of Terminology


This is a template for requesting accurate translation of English content into [TARGET LANGUAGE]. The template provides relevant requirements, including ensuring the accuracy and fluency of the translation, and understanding the meaning and context of the original text. If encountering professional terminology or fixed phrases, the correct [TARGETLANGUAGE] counterpart must be found to fully retain the information of the original text.

Prompt Hint

[English content]


This is a template for requesting accurate translation of English content into [TARGET LANGUAGE]. The template provides relevant requirements, including ensuring the accuracy and fluency of the translation, and understanding the meaning and context of the original text. If encountering professional terminology or fixed phrases, the correct [TARGETLANGUAGE] counterpart must be found to fully retain the information of the original text.


If you seek precise translations, our template guarantees accuracy and fluency in [TARGET LANGUAGE]. It ensures understanding, retention of original context, and professional terminology equivalence. With thorough requirements and focus on details, your content is in reliable hands. Experience seamless and faithful translations that capture nuances and essence effortlessly. Translate effortlessly and flawlessly with our comprehensive template for top-notch results. Opt for excellence in translation today!

  • Ensure accurate and fluent translation of English content into [TARGET LANGUAGE].
  • Understand the meaning and context of the original text for precise translation.
  • Find correct counterparts for professional terminology or fixed phrases to retain original information.
  • Template for requesting accurate translations with specific requirements for quality outcomes.
  • Focus on maintaining accuracy, fluency, and context understanding during the translation process.
  • Help in accurately conveying the information and nuances of the original English content.
  • Aids in producing high-quality translations that capture the essence of the source material.
  • Facilitates precise and contextually appropriate translations of professional and technical content.


Description: #

The prompt facilitates accurate translation requests from English to a specified language. It outlines requirements for precise and fluent translations, emphasizing the importance of capturing the original text's meaning and context. It highlights the necessity of identifying correct equivalents for professional jargon or set expressions to preserve the integrity of the content.


Features: #

  • Facilitates translation requests from English to a specified language
  • Provides guidelines for accurate and fluent translations
  • Emphasizes understanding the context and meaning of the original text
  • Ensures correct translation of professional terminology and fixed phrases

Benefits: #

  • Obtain accurate and contextually appropriate translations
  • Preserve the original text's meaning and nuances effectively
  • Enhance the quality and professionalism of translated content
  • Simplify the process of requesting precise and reliable translations
Prompt Statistics

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