1.1.2 Detailed Product Description (SEO Optimised)


Create SEO optimized, compelling and highly converting product description for a high-ticket e-commerce business.

Prompt Hint

[Paste suppliers supplier information here and attach any relevant documents]


Create SEO optimized, compelling and highly converting product description for a high-ticket e-commerce business.


Enhance your e-commerce success with ChatGPT's SEO-optimized product descriptions. Boost conversions effortlessly! Benefits:

  • SEO-optimized content for high-ticket items
  • Compelling descriptions that captivate your audience
  • Detailed, engaging product narratives for increased sales
  • Tailored content to attract and retain customers effectively
  • Drive traffic and elevate your online presence seamlessly
  • Enhance your brand image with convincing, like human written product descriptions
  • Unlock the potential of your e-commerce business and watch your sales soar!

  • Craft SEO-optimized, persuasive product descriptions for high-end e-commerce items to boost conversions.
  • Create detailed, engaging content tailored to attract customers and drive sales effectively.
  • Improve search engine visibility and ranking by optimizing product descriptions for SEO.
  • Enhance product listings with compelling, detailed descriptions to captivate potential buyers.
  • Generate interest and increase sales by writing SEO-friendly, detailed product descriptions.
  • Tailor product descriptions to resonate with target audience and encourage purchase decisions.
  • Optimize e-commerce product descriptions to attract organic traffic and boost online visibility.
  • Drive high-quality traffic and improve conversion rates with SEO-optimized, captivating product descriptions.


Description: #

The prompt is designed to help you craft a detailed, SEO-optimized product description tailored for high-ticket e-commerce businesses. By filling in the variables with specific product details and benefits, the prompt generates compelling and conversion-focused content that is finely tuned for search engine optimization.


  • Generates SEO-optimized product descriptions
  • Tailored for high-ticket e-commerce businesses
  • Creates compelling and highly converting content


  • Boosts search engine visibility
  • Drives higher conversion rates
  • Enhances product descriptions for better customer engagement
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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