AIPRM Overal

Markeer inhoud waar dan ook op het internet en verzend het naadloos in je ChatGPT Prompt. Start een prompt rechtstreeks vanuit je browserbalk.
  • Gebruik AIPRM vanaf elke webpagina.
  • Markeer tekst en stuur het naar ChatGPT.
  • Start een prompt waar je ook bent.
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Wat onze klanten zeggen

This extension certainly made my team 1000% more productive

"Output > Any Language you wish, Tone > Any tone you wish > Style - Any style you wish. = Continue = Clarify, Exemplify, Expand, Explain, Rewrite, Shorten. If chatGPT hasn't made my team 1000% more productive this extension certainly has.
Great build!”

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Michael Conner
Founder & Owner at Standard Private Label

Incredibly great!

"This is incredibly great! Thank you for creating this extension!”

user name display picture
Lenka Blazekova
SEO Manager at Freelancer

It is not possible to imagine doing what I do today without AIPRM

"Just when we think we've reached the limit of a tool's evolution, something fantastic, innovative comes along that makes everything seem so simple. This is AIPRM working together with you to give you the opportunity to compete at the highest levels of competition.”

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Adauto Lemos
CEO & Founder at ÍNTEGRA Educação e Negócios

Enkele van onze klanten

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