L’AIPRM partout

Mettez en évidence un contenu n’importe où sur Internet et soumettez-le dans votre ChatGPT Prompt de manière transparente. Lancez une invite directement depuis la barre de votre navigateur.
  • Utilisez l'AIPRM à partir de chaque page web.
  • Mettez du texte en surbrillance et soumettez-le à ChatGPT.
  • Commencez un message à partir de l'endroit où vous vous trouvez.
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Ce que nos clients disent

AIPRM: A Game-Changer, Learning and Loving Every Moment!

"What an amazing tool! Loving using it and learning as I go. Thank you!”

Kate Nankivell's profile picture
Kate Nankivell
LinkedIn Trainer & Coach at Force of Nature

AIPRM Unleashes Potential

"A wicked cool tool that is pretty much unmatched when it comes to what a Chrome extension can do. it's going to blow your mind.”

Lori Ballen's profile picture
Lori Ballen
Digital Marketing Coach at Ballen Academy

AIPRM has increased my productivity by 10x

"It is an awesome tool to work with ChatGPT. I really love the extension and it increased my productivity by 10x. Thanks to AIPRM team for developing such an amazing tool and continuously adding new and new prompts. Once again thanks to the team.”

Abhishek Srivastava's profile picture
Abhishek Srivastava
Product Manager at JK Tyre & Industries Ltd

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