
Didactic sequence for a class (teachers, planning)


By means of a learning objective that you write, it generates a didactic sequence incorporating all the pedagogical elements that a class should contain, proposes activities for each section, methodological suggestions and even a test proposal integrating different cognitive levels.

Prompt Hint

write the objective of the class


By means of a learning objective that you write, it generates a didactic sequence incorporating all the pedagogical elements that a class should contain, proposes activities for each section, methodological suggestions and even a test proposal integrating different cognitive levels.


Enhance your lesson plans effortlessly: craft comprehensive didactic sequences tailored to your objectives. Design engaging activities, methodological tips, and diverse cognitive-level assessments. Elevate your teaching game!

  • Generate a comprehensive didactic sequence for teachers to plan classes effectively with ease.
  • Incorporate pedagogical elements and propose activities, methodological suggestions, and diverse cognitive tests.
  • Streamline lesson planning process.
  • Ensure all essential class components are included.
  • Facilitate activity planning for different sections.
  • Enhance teaching effectiveness.
  • Encourage varied cognitive engagement levels.
  • Improve overall class structure and student learning outcomes.


Description: #

Imagine having a powerful tool that can instantly create a comprehensive and well-structured lesson plan tailored to your specific learning objectives. This innovative prompt enables teachers to effortlessly generate a detailed didactic sequence for their classes with just a single learning objective input.

Here's what this remarkable prompt can do for you:


Features: #

  • Automatically generates a didactic sequence based on your specified learning objective
  • Incorporates essential pedagogical elements required for a well-rounded class
  • Proposes engaging and diverse activities for each section of the lesson
  • Provides methodological suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness
  • Offers a well-rounded test proposal that integrates various cognitive levels

Benefits: #

  • Saves time and effort in lesson planning
  • Ensures a comprehensive and structured class format
  • Facilitates diverse and engaging activities for students
  • Enhances teaching methodology for improved learning outcomes
  • Simplifies the process of creating assessments aligned with learning objectives

Unlock the potential of this cutting-edge prompt to streamline your lesson planning process and elevate your teaching experience. Click the button below to try this prompt on ChatGPT and revolutionize your classroom preparation today!

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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