
Didactic sequence for a class (teachers, planning)


Generate a didactic sequence for a class based on a learning objective you provide, including pedagogical elements, activities for each section, methodological suggestions, and a test proposal covering various cognitive levels.

Prompt Hint

Write the objective of the class


Generate a didactic sequence for a class based on a learning objective you provide, including pedagogical elements, activities for each section, methodological suggestions, and a test proposal covering various cognitive levels.


Enhance your teaching with a comprehensive didactic sequence generator. Craft engaging lessons effortlessly: plan activities, suggest methods, and create diverse cognitive-level tests. Elevate your teaching game now!

  • Generates a didactic sequence based on a learning objective for teachers' lesson planning.
  • Includes all necessary pedagogical elements for a comprehensive class structure.
  • Provides diverse activities tailored for each section of the lesson plan.
  • Offers methodological suggestions to enhance teaching effectiveness.
  • Incorporates a test proposal that assesses students at various cognitive levels.
  • Ensures a well-rounded and engaging learning experience for both teachers and students.
  • Promotes effective lesson delivery and student comprehension through structured lesson planning.
  • Supports teachers in creating dynamic and informative classes that cater to different learning styles.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt provided aims to revolutionize the way teachers plan their classes by generating a comprehensive didactic sequence based on a learning objective. Here's what the prompt does and the benefits it offers:


Features: #

  • Automatically creates a detailed didactic sequence for a class based on a provided learning objective
  • Includes all essential pedagogical elements required for a well-rounded lesson plan
  • Proposes engaging activities tailored to each section of the class
  • Offers methodological suggestions to enhance teaching strategies
  • Provides a test proposal that integrates various cognitive levels to assess student understanding effectively

Benefits: #

  • Saves time for teachers by automating the lesson planning process
  • Ensures a structured and comprehensive class plan, covering all necessary elements
  • Facilitates the creation of engaging and interactive activities for students
  • Enhances teaching effectiveness through methodological suggestions
  • Simplifies the assessment process with a well-rounded test proposal covering different cognitive levels

Try this prompt on ChatGPT to streamline your lesson planning process and create impactful, engaging classes effortlessly.

Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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