Generate English Questions


Paste an article written in English and 16 questions based on article will be generated, following some rules. For non-english speakers in advanced level.

Prompt Hint

Paste the article


Paste an article written in English and 16 questions based on article will be generated, following some rules. For non-english speakers in advanced level.


Discover the ultimate tool for generating English questions effortlessly from any English article. Unlock a seamless way to create 16 targeted questions that adhere to specific rules, ideal for advanced non-English speakers. Enhance your language skills and comprehension by engaging with curated questions tailored to your proficiency level. Dive into a world of language learning made easy and efficient. Try this innovative solution now to revolutionize your learning experience instantly!

  • Generate English questions from an article: helpful for advanced non-English speakers.
  • Rules ensure 16 questions are created, enhancing language comprehension and proficiency.
  • Perfect tool for language learners to practice reading, comprehension, and critical thinking skills.
  • Generate diverse questions from any English article, tailored for advanced learners' needs.
  • Enhance language skills with targeted questions that cover a wide range of topics.
  • Ideal for learners seeking to improve their English through in-depth article analysis.
  • Stimulate language acquisition by generating questions that challenge and engage readers effectively.
  • Boost language proficiency by practicing question formulation and comprehension at an advanced level.


Description: #

The ChatGPT prompt allows you to effortlessly generate English questions based on any English article you provide. By simply pasting the article, you can instantly get 16 questions tailored to the content, perfect for advanced non-English speakers looking to practice comprehension.


Features: #

  • Instant question generation from any English article
  • Tailored for advanced non-English speakers
  • Helps practice English comprehension skills
  • Saves time on creating questions manually

Benefits: #

  • Enhances understanding of English articles
  • Facilitates language learning for advanced speakers
  • Provides targeted practice for comprehension
  • Saves time and effort on question creation
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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