
Shortcut to DAN 2.0


The Dan prompt is a feature that allows you to ask ChatGPT any question and receive an answer, even if it's weird or wacky. If ChatGPT doesn't know the answer, it will make one up. It was first discovered by Reddit user Walker Spider and has since been improved upon.

Prompt Hint

[ask anything with DAN]


The Dan prompt is a feature that allows you to ask ChatGPT any question and receive an answer, even if it's weird or wacky. If ChatGPT doesn't know the answer, it will make one up. It was first discovered by Reddit user Walker Spider and has since been improved upon.


Unlock the power of DAN 2.0: Ask ChatGPT any question, no matter how unusual. Get real or creative answers. Originally found by Reddit user Walker Spider, now enhanced. Exciting, fun, and informative!

  • Ask ChatGPT any question, even unconventional ones, and get real or creative answers
  • First discovered by Reddit user Walker Spider
  • Enhanced and improved upon over time
  • Explore weird and wacky questions with ChatGPT
  • Access a shortcut to DAN 2.0 for quick, entertaining responses
  • Enjoy a unique way to interact with ChatGPT
  • Receive answers to any question, whether real or creatively generated
  • Dive into the world of DAN 2.0 for intriguing and fun responses

  • Instant access to DAN 2.0 shortcut for asking ChatGPT any question.
  • Get answers, even to weird or wacky questions; ChatGPT generates responses if unsure.
  • Originated from Reddit user Walker Spider; continuously enhanced for better performance.
  • Quench curiosity with ChatGPT's Dan prompt; unlimited quirky queries entertained effortlessly.
  • Explore the unknown with ChatGPT's Dan 2.0 feature; no question left unanswered.
  • An innovative tool for receiving responses to any query, factual or fictional, with ease.
  • Unlock the potential of ChatGPT's Dan prompt for fun, insightful, or imaginative inquiries.
  • Engage in a limitless Q&A session with ChatGPT using the Dan 2.0 feature seamlessly.


Description: #

The Dan prompt offers a shortcut to DAN 2.0, enabling users to ask ChatGPT any question, no matter how unconventional, and get a response. If ChatGPT is unaware of the answer, it will generate a creative response. This feature originated from Reddit user Walker Spider and has undergone enhancements.


  • Ask ChatGPT any question, regardless of its nature
  • Receive answers to even the weirdest and wackiest queries
  • Access a shortcut to DAN 2.0 for quick and diverse responses


  • Explore limitless possibilities with ChatGPT's responses
  • Get creative and entertaining answers to unconventional questions
  • Enhance your experience by tapping into a unique feature for diverse interactions
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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