
Easy Email Template for External Link-building Outreach


Create perfect email for link-building! Ask the author of a blog/article for a backlink to your homepage where your brand name is mentioned.

Prompt Hint

[Paste Homepage URL for Request + "BRAND NAME text"]


Create perfect email for link-building! Ask the author of a blog/article for a backlink to your homepage where your brand name is mentioned.


Crafting the perfect email for external link-building outreach is now a breeze! Elevate your backlink game effortlessly by requesting authors to link your brand in their content. Harness the power of persuasive communication to boost your website's SEO and credibility. With this easy template, connecting with bloggers and authors to secure valuable backlinks has never been simpler. Drive traffic and enhance your online presence seamlessly through effective link-building strategies. Take your outreach to the next level today!

  • Generate persuasive email template for link-building outreach requesting backlink to your homepage.
  • Perfectly crafted email requesting author of blog/article for backlink where brand is mentioned.
  • Efficiently ask for backlink to your homepage where your brand is referenced.
  • Streamlined email template creation for requesting backlinks from authors of blog/articles.
  • Persuasive email creation to ask blog/article authors for backlinks to homepage with brand mention.
  • Expertly crafted email asking authors of blog/articles for backlinks to homepage featuring brand.
  • Quick and effective email template for requesting backlinks to homepage where your brand is cited.
  • Create compelling email for outreach to authors of blog/articles for backlinks to homepage.


  • Saves time creating link-building outreach emails.
  • Increases chances of getting quality backlinks to your website.
  • Streamlines communication with authors for requesting backlinks.
  • Enhances brand visibility through strategic backlink acquisition.
  • Boosts SEO efforts by acquiring relevant backlinks from authoritative sources.


Description: #

This ChatGPT prompt generates a compelling email template tailored for external link-building outreach. By filling in the relevant details and variables, users can create a perfect email designed to request backlinks from authors of blogs or articles where their brand name is mentioned. This personalized email requests a backlink to the user's homepage, enhancing their brand visibility and improving SEO.


Features: #

  • Generates an email template for external link-building outreach
  • Tailored for requesting backlinks from authors of relevant blogs/articles
  • Requests a backlink to the user's homepage where their brand name is mentioned
  • Helps enhance brand visibility and improve SEO through strategic link-building efforts

Benefits: #

  • Saves time in crafting personalized link-building outreach emails
  • Increases the chances of securing valuable backlinks from authoritative sources
  • Enhances brand recognition and credibility through strategic SEO practices
  • Streamlines the process of engaging with authors for backlink requests
  • Drives organic traffic to the user's homepage through effective link-building strategies
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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