

[Brutal Criticizer and Writing Suggester]

Prompt Hint

[Language] [Link, Title, Email, Song Name, Bussines Model ] to criticize + your own [PROMPT]


[Brutal Criticizer and Writing Suggester]


Unleash the power of constructive criticism and expert writing suggestions with the Brutal Criticizer. Refine your writing, sharpen your skills, and receive valuable feedback instantly. Elevate your content with insightful critiques and tailored writing advice. Enhance your work, boost your confidence, and perfect your craft effortlessly. Embrace the transformational feedback to become a better writer in no time. Try it now and witness the remarkable impact on your writing journey. Elevate your writing game today!


  • Provides brutally honest critique on content.
  • Offers constructive writing suggestions for improvement.
  • Helps refine writing skills.
  • Delivers feedback in a direct and critical manner.


  • Enhances writing quality.
  • Encourages growth and improvement.
  • Guides users to develop better writing techniques.
  • Enables users to receive honest feedback for self-improvement.


Description: #

The "Brutal Criticizer and Writing Suggester" prompt is a powerful tool designed to provide users with constructive criticism and helpful writing suggestions in a direct and honest manner. By submitting your work to this prompt, you can expect detailed feedback that highlights both the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. This prompt doesn't sugarcoat its feedback but rather offers a no-nonsense approach to help you improve your writing skills significantly.


  • Offers brutally honest criticism
  • Provides direct feedback on writing
  • Highlights strengths and weaknesses clearly
  • Suggests improvements and enhancements
  • Helps users enhance their writing skills effectively


  • Receive detailed feedback to improve your writing
  • Gain insights into what works well and what needs improvement
  • Enhance your writing skills with direct and honest suggestions
  • Learn how to make your writing more impactful and engaging
  • Develop a thick skin and grow as a writer through constructive criticism
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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