
"AI-Driven Custom Quiz Maker. Test Exam"


Introducing the ultimate custom multiple-choice test generator! Based on any text you provide, our AI-powered tool will create a tailored multiple-choice test to suit your specific needs. Choose the number of questions, answer choices per question, and difficulty level to ensure your test is a perfect fit. Say goodbye to generic tests and hello to personalized learning. Get ready to revolutionize your assessment experience with our state-of-the-art custom test generator!

Prompt Hint

First, gather the user's text and preferences, such as the number of questions, answer choices per question, and difficulty level. Then, insert these details into the designated areas of the prompt to create a personalized multiple-choice test tailored to the user's needs.


Introducing the ultimate custom multiple-choice test generator! Based on any text you provide, our AI-powered tool will create a tailored multiple-choice test to suit your specific needs. Choose the number of questions, answer choices per question, and difficulty level to ensure your test is a perfect fit. Say goodbye to generic tests and hello to personalized learning. Get ready to revolutionize your assessment experience with our state-of-the-art custom test generator!


Unleash the power of AI with our custom quiz maker! Generate personalized multiple-choice tests effortlessly. Tailor questions, answer choices, and difficulty levels to your liking. Say goodbye to generic assessments and welcome a new era of customized learning. Revolutionize how you assess knowledge with our cutting-edge test generator today!

  • AI-powered custom quiz maker generates tailored multiple-choice tests based on user-provided text.
  • Customize number of questions, answer choices, and difficulty level for personalized learning experience.
  • Say goodbye to generic tests with this revolutionary tool for customized assessments.
  • Personalize your test with specific details to enhance learning and engagement.
  • Create a unique and tailored multiple-choice exam in moments with our state-of-the-art generator.
  • Revolutionize your assessment process with a custom test that matches your requirements.
  • Enhance learning outcomes by creating tests that cater to individual needs and preferences.
  • Experience the power of AI in creating personalized quizzes for a more engaging learning experience.


Description: #


Features: #

  • Generates custom multiple-choice tests based on provided text
  • Tailors tests to suit specific needs
  • Allows selection of number of questions, answer choices, and difficulty level
  • Ensures personalized learning experience
  • Revolutionizes assessment process with state-of-the-art technology

Benefits: #

  • Saves time by automating test creation process
  • Provides tailored assessments for more effective learning
  • Enhances engagement with personalized tests
  • Improves learning outcomes with customized questions
  • Facilitates a more efficient and enjoyable testing experience
Prompt Statistics

Please note: The preceding description has not been reviewed for accuracy. For the best understanding of what will be generated, we recommend installing AIPRM for free and trying out the prompt.

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