
为团队成员分配用户许可证,并与一组用户共享对所选提示和提示列表的访问权限。组织层面的提示管理从未如此简单。保持团队使用生成式 Al 内容的一致性。
office content 2
了解有关 AIPRM 团队的更多信息>

了解有关 AIPRM 团队的更多信息 #

AIPRM团队介绍 #

如何在 60 秒内与团队分享您的提示>

如何在 60 秒内与团队分享您的提示 #

如何在 AIPRM 中创建团队>

如何在 AIPRM 中创建团队 #


AIPRM can become the wikipedia of prompts

" I love the power of collaborative human intelligence. This can become the wikipedia of prompts.”

Gustavo Pérez Tempranillo's profile picture
Gustavo Pérez Tempranillo
AI researcher at Freelancer

Helped me to greatly improve my proposals

"I'm Jesiel, I work with IT, I saw and discovered AIPRM on the internet, it greatly improved my texts and proposals, I really like the answers”

Jesiel Sousa's profile picture
Jesiel Sousa
IT/AWS Specialist at Zitelecom

An essential tool for any task

"AIPRM has become an essential tool for any task you can imagine”

Daniel Blasco's profile picture
Daniel Blasco
Graphic & Web Designer at Pixelatumente

