사용자 지정 프로필

사용하는 모든 프롬프트에 자동으로 적용될 수 있는 자신과 회사의 약력을 작성하세요. 매번 복사하여 붙여넣을 필요 없이 중요한 정보가 포함된 프라임 ChatGPT를 사용하세요.
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고객의 평가

AIPRM is a vital part of our workflow

"We are using AIPRM to rebuild our Blackfishdistillery.com online presence quickly went from a curiosity to a vital part of our workflow. Having a research assistant like AIPRM to out line ideas really cured the staring at a blank page problem!”

Mike Gifford's profile picture
Mike Gifford
Chief Executive Officer at Blackfish Spirits Distillery

Streamlining ChatGPT with Effortless Prompt Access

"This is the most useful of the ChatGPT addons I've seen yet. The prompts are easy to find and the search function is more than adequate. I love how it makes it easy to just set the tone and not have to type long explanations.”

Josh Patrick's profile picture
Josh Patrick
Founder at The Sustainable Business

A Must Have Tool

"If you are in the need to create content for emails or websites. This is a must have tool. You can do content outlines, get optimized articles in minutes. I have been able to take prompts from other users, finetune them to my needs and safe them. It speeds up about 70% of the work that I am doing. Thanks guys!”

Boris Bauer's profile picture
Boris Bauer
Digital Marketing Consultant at bauer/DIGITAL

우리 고객 중 일부

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인기 있는 AI 프롬프트