AIPRM Omnibox

Az AIPRM Omnibox funkcióval néhány kattintással új ChatGPT Promptet hozhat létre közvetlenül a böngészősávból.
  • Használja az AIPRM-et a böngészősávban.
  • Írja be a prompt indítót, mint egy címet.
  • Indítson el egy promptot úgy, mintha egy webhelyet nyitna meg.
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Mit mondanak Vevőink

Excellent value for money!

"I have been using the AIPRM browser extension for a few days now, after previously working with an expensive AI Writer and a couple of other AppSumo purchased ones.
The most significant benefits of AIPRM is the availability of prompts. This feature has greatly helped me as a valuable addition to my writing process.”

Nigel Rawlins's profile picture
Nigel Rawlins
Owner at Wisepreneurs

It has helped me a lot

"It has helped me a lot, thank you very much for the tool”

Cristian Montoya's profile picture
Cristian Montoya
Principal Chief Executive Officer at Soluciones Digitales Global

Elite Subscription:Prompted Learning at Rocket Speed!

"I loves the Elite subscription that I am on, where I can view all the actual prompts. It has speed up my learning curve like a rocket!”

Calle Sjönell's profile picture
Calle Sjönell
Head of Facebook Creative Shop Nordics at Meta

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