Try this Claude Prompt Now

Step 1 : Download AIPRM for free

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AIPRM Claude for Google Chrome

Introducing AIPRM for Claude. Get started for free with 4,500+ prompts.

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AIPRM Claude for Edge

Step 2 : Create a Claude Account

  1. Go to the Claude login page.
  2. Click Sign up.
  3. Click Continue with Google. Optionally, you can enter your own email and follow the prompts.
  4. After registering, check your email for a verification link. Click on the link to confirm your email address.
  5. Fill in any additional details required for your profile, such as your name, contact information, and preferences.
  6. Return to the Claude login page and click Log in. The Claude main page displays.

Your free account is active. Start using Claude. Click New Chat or enter a prompt into the field.

Step 3 : Use the Prompt in your Claude